Purchasing Center

The Vintara QMS  Purchasing Center enables you to easily evaluate suppliers and process and maintain purchasing records for compliance.

Complete Tools
In a few simple steps, purchased product specifications can be linked to their appropriate supplier or suppliers. The Purchasing Center also allows quick reference to a supplier’s information, function, status and history and includes:

  • Forms for supplier records and purchased product
  • specifications
  • Tools for recording and monitoring supplier activity
  • and status

Improved Performance
With automatic versioning, your employees will have no problems referencing outdated specifications. Supplier and purchased part information is easily accessible in a centralized database and can be referenced by multiple views for quick analysis of information.

Enhanced Internal Communication
A faulty production run is one of the costliest errors in the manufacturing process. With the Purchasing Center, purchased part specification records are available for all employees to reference. Clearly labeled and informative views offer quick and easy reference tools for determining supplier status and relationship history. In turn, your company will stop production nonconformances at the receiving dock.